a fantastic destination.
Following your guidelines, we find the best Gulet for you. More than 3000 gulets sail along the Turkish coast between Kusadasi and Antalya. Making the perfect choice among such an array of boats is not only very difficult, but also time consuming. By means of our Best-Gulet Selection System you can, with our help, find what is most suitable to your own needs and embark on the blue cruise for a dream journey in the Mediterranean Sea.
The Advisors guarantee carefully selected Gulets
Sükrü Gözütok (see photo), a true Bodrum's son with several years of Gulet experience. The German and the Turk shared one objective: to put in place a selection system identifying the best and most suitable formula for those wishing to embark on the Blue Cruise between Bodrum, Marmaris, Goecek and Fethiye. [...] -
Gulet Holiday: a different way to enjoy your holiday
Most of you are sick and tired of overcrowded beaches and are looking for a different kind of holiday. Treat yourself with a Blue Cruise on a Turkish Gulet. You will come on board, settle in your 'room' (cabin) like in a hotel, and then enjoy being taken from a wonderful spot to another, surrounded by the blue of the sea, far from the crowds. The idea is to be able to move from place to place, pampered and relaxed, in harmony with nature. Those traditional beach holidays will soon be history. [...] -
That special food on board
On board of a Blue Cruise Gulet, meals are particularly tasty. Turkish cuisine being rated among the best in the world, this is not surprising. Above all, fruit and vegetables are at the heart of all menus. On most gulets, the cook, who travels along, will readily accommodate the guests' culinary wishes. [...] -
Comfort for your sleep
The boats have become increasingly comfortable: in the past there was only one toilet for three cabins! Today, every double cabin has its own shower and toilet. The cabins are as roomy and comfortable as on a cruise ship. In most cases, they also have air-conditioning. "Guleting" is a way of life. [...] -
Souvenirs from "Mehmet in the Bay"
Many bays are as remote as when Allah created them. No hotel disturbs the stillness. Only the chirp of the cicadas can be heard. In other bays one encounters small taverns, where to enjoy a meal of delicious fresh fish. In some other bays, itinerant traders come to the boat. (in the photo, Mehmet). They sell souvenirs which will please those who stayed at home: cloths and carpets, honey, almonds, spices and much more. [...] -
An easy journey through Antiquity
Whenever one sets foot on shore, one stumbles upon tracks of ancient times: antiquity is everywhere. All the great cities of ancient Greece lay on these shores: Troy, Pergamon, Aphrodisias, Ephesus, Halikarnassos – to name just a few. Many of these sites can only be reached by sea, as they were originally thought and made for the Sea. Gulet cruising in the Past [...]